
You Can Help Build a Cinema Community and Movie Industry in the Ozarks
The Ozarks Film Co-Op was founded by volunteers who built the Ozarks Film Foundry. John Farmer de la Torre and Alicia Hutsell established the CO-OP to emphasize the proper treatment of volunteers and artists. They personally appreciate the value and contributions of volunteers.
To achieve the goals of the Ozarks Film Co-Op to create a thriving movie industry and indie filmmaking scene in the Ozarks, the talents and dedication of volunteers will be required. The CO-OP will rely on people who want to lead other volunteers, who want to serve as the principal organizers of events, who want to serve as support and event staff, and more.
There is plenty of work for anyone interested in this movement. Please fill out the form below and let us know your interests. We would love to speak with you about your interests and pair you up with a project.